All leagues Sunday, January 5th have been canceled due to the winter storm. Leagues will now begin on Sunday, January 12th.

Late Spring 2017 Tuesday Women's Recreational Basketball League

Welcome to the league forum. Anyone can view the forum, but only league players can post. If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully.


Good luck tonight, doctor said I am a no go. Wish I could play!


Keep that knee prop up Michelle, and hoping for a speedy recovery for you. Note, I stayed behind you on the higway until I got to my turn on 96th st.

Count Me In

Last week I said I probably wouldn't be able to make it but with the 9:40 start time I should be there. Thanks!

Game tonight

Hey, I was just checking to see who all is going to make the game tonight. I know there were two people who said they probably wouldn't be there. Our game is at 9:40 and we need 5!!

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