Late Fall 2018 Wednesday Downtown Soccer League - Short Session

Welcome to the league forum. Anyone can view the forum, but only league players can post. If you'd like to hold a private discussion among your team, visit your team forum.

Please post respectfully.


Dustin here, my number is 812-486-6112. I'm down for getting together on Sunday to play a bit.


608-558-5863 but can't make it today if there is one.

Phone number

Hey guys it’s Tanner. Available for Sunday practice.

Phone number

This is Andrea. My phone number is 858-997-5404.

I would be up for Sunday practice.

Phone Number

Thomas L


Phone numbers

Hey guys!

Amanda- 317-414-1600

Ryan- 317-525-1324

Let us know about pick up games on sundays!


Matt here. 847-736-9995.

I like James’ idea, let’s win the World Cup.

Phone numbers

Hey guys. James here,

My number is 3175133006

Let’s group chat it up and win the World Cup

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